We've had folks already asking when we'll begin selling tickets for our Nikon sponsored
"Evening with Joe McNally" And the answer is 10 AM on Monday morning, November 15th! Tickets for admission to this special event is $30.00 each and upon admittance, each attendee will recieve a gift bag with a $30.00 Camera Wholesalers gift certificate, along with other gifts & goodies. Treat yourself and your friends to an evening with one of the world's most accomplished photographers who will speak about his illustrious career in photography along with product demonstrations on how he got some of his incredible shots! Call or come in to get your tickets starting 10 AM on November 15th. You can e-mail us as well at
sales@camerawholesalers.com Quantities of tickets sold are limited to the capacity of the Turn of River auditorium, so contact us quickly to insure admittance.
Due to popular demand, we are adding one more class to our Thursday night schedule: Our last class for 2010 will be "Digital Point & Shoot Basics" on Thursday, December 2nd at 7PM at the store. Here's your last chance to get out of the auto mode and get some fantastic shots for the holidays! Bring your camera & your smile... (Photo copyright -Joe McNally Photography)