We've had a number of folks who have picked up one of the new DSLR's like the D3100 or E-PL1 and want to get some tips before Thansgiving on how to use their shiny new cameras. Or maybe you've had your DSLR for a couple of years & want to venture out of the auto mode. Either way, our class tonight (11/18) at 7 PM is for you! We'll cover topics including menus, exposure compensation, scene modes, RAW files, workflow, accessory selection and shooting better, more interesting photos. No purchase necessary, just come with your camera & a smile (We will be checking smiles at the door!)

Who doesn't love "Best Of" lists? ( We do!) So when Time Magazine's list of
Best 100 Gadgets of All Time came out this week, and while all our favorites are in there ( from the Ipad, Ipod, the Electric Toothbrush and yes, the Clapper!) , we were curious to see which cameras were on the list. While the list covers 1923 to the present day, most of the choices are fairly modern and for the most part, they were right on their selections (among them: The Nikon F, The Pentax K1000, The Polaroid SX-70 and the Canon 5D Mark II.) To see the full list, click here:
Other cameras that I think should be on the list include the Minolta Maxxum 7000 (the 1st autofocus SLR), the Canon Sure Shot & Olympus Stylus (game changers in 35mm film point & shoots) and the Leica M6. What do you guys think? Shoot an email to us at
sales@camerawholesalers.com & nominate your omitted choice!
Finally, if you're looking for a completely cool & different camera for your loved one this holiday season, we have a couple of pieces of Panasonic's top of the line LX5 in White! We wrote a blog post on this camera when it was introduced in July (
http://www.camerawholesalers.com/?p=2219), & it's been featured in many 2010 holiday gift guides, including Vanity Fair Magazine. It's available in black as well, but you may want to consider it in blanco! We also have the state of the art Canon PowerShot SD 4500, that comes in the bold choice of one color: Chocolate Brown! This is an incredible camera with the highly advanced HS sensor for excellent low light photos and other advanced features. Here's a very detailed review from infosyncworld.com :
Prices are $429.95 for The LX5 and $349.95 for the SD4500. Call, e-mail or come in today!