Our series of articles on cool new digital camera features continues with the answer to a common question: Can I fix a picture that I've taken that's too dark? The common answer is yes, especially when you've downloaded it to a computer picture management program or store kiosk that allows you to do any number of things to a digital photo. But, how about the ability to fix a photo inside the camera
BEFORE downloading? With D-Lighting, a new feature in many of Nikon's new digital cameras,
the answer is also YES!

Here's how it works:
D-Lighting, selected in Playback, automatically compensates for insufficient flash or excessive back lighting in order to obtain a balanced exposure throughout the frame. After applying D-Lighting, the camera saves the original image and a corrected copy to the camera's internal or removable memory. An application of D-Lighting can literally turn a dark, throwaway shot into a precious frame-able memory. C'mon, say it:
Wow, that's cool!
D-lighting has been incorporated into most of the new Nikon point & shoot cameras, including the hot new Coolpix S230 with LCD Touchscreen as well as their popular DSLRS such as the D40, D60 & D5000.
Active D Lighting is the pro counterpart of the same program & it's in the retouching programs of the D90, D300 & D700. Come in and let us show you how this cool feature works!
It's Thursday and that means
Point & Shoot Basics tonight, so if you're free at 7PM and have some questions or want to know how to get great shots using your P&S, come on in!
Next week: What is "
Smile Shutter" &