In teaching our mini classes over the last few months (which are a BLAST, thank you!), I've found there are 10 or so questions that are asked by our students over & over again, and you, our website visitors & blog readers must share the same curiosity. So, starting on Wedne
sday, we'll cover each of these questions to help you get better images & give you a better sense of how to use your camera correctly. Question 1 is "What's that crazy bargraph that comes up when I hit this button?"

Just got a new shipments of Nikon refurbs and some new goodies have arrived. We need to sort it out, but D90s are here again, along with D5000 bodies, SB 900 speedlights & some new lenses. Stay Tuned!
Our friends at Tamron have a series of 1 minute DSLR video tips on YouTube featuring pro photographer Andre Constantini that covers topics like jpeg vs raw, focusing,white balance & more. It's a 12 part series, and they're currently on episode #6, which covers scene modes. Got a minute? Then, go to Tamron's YouTube link:
Finally, we bid the 2010 Winter Olympics a fond adieu last night, and with it, some fantastic memories. Some absolutely stunning photos were collected by the pros covering the Games, and if you want to take one last nostalgic look, you can go to Reuter's great slideshow, which is called "The Best of the Olympics":
See you Wednesday!