With the return of Daylight Savings Time, Camera Wholesalers is returning to our normal store hours:
Mon-Weds 10-6/Thurs 10-8/Fri & Sun 10-6 - Closed Saturday (with a return to our winter hours in October).
Our Thursday photo class this week (3/12) is "Digital SLR Basics" at 6:30 PM at the back of the store.
Our other in store classes this month are "Beyond The Basics" - a 90 minute intermediate photo class on Thurs 3/19 at 6 PM
and "Action & Sports Photography" on Thurs 3/26 at 6:30 PM. We are also having our special "Photo Lighting
Basics Made Easy" class at the Italian Center on Weds 3/25 at 7 PM. Click here for more details.