We are pleased to announce that Camera Wholesalers is a 3 Legged Thing dealer. What is a 3 Legged Thing? It's just the hottest new line of tripods available today! Click onto the logo above to access their website.
3LT is a British company that specializes in compact, stable, modular tripod systems for photographers of all genres and abilities.They are a small company of just four full-time staff, working hard to innovate in one of the world's most competitive industries.
The employees are all photographers, and they've all applied our own key skills and experiences to the design and operation of our premium quality professional tripod systems. In 2012, they won the prestigious "Innovative Product Of The Year Award", the first and only time a tripod company was nominated for this honor. It was followed this year with a "Product Of The Year" designation from PDN. You just have to come in to see these products so see what makes them so unique, so take a moment and ask us to show you a "3 Legged Thing"!
Our Thursday night class is our annual "So You're Going On A Safari" class for those that are going on their once in a lifetime trip! Join us in the back of the store at 6:30 PM sharp! And don't forget to join us, Canon DSLR users for the "EOS Discovery Day" seminar on Sunday the 22nd at The Italian Center!