We've had a great time with our Tent Sale so far this year, with some great prices, cool events and a sneak peek of the newest cameras and equiptment for sale starting now for the coming holiday season.
We're grateful to our friends at Olympus for their assistance and support, and we thank John Issac for sharing his incredible photography & an inspiring talk on Thursday. (Here's Fred, Jason, John Issac & Kim at the event -Photo by Steve Ball of Olympus). Tent Show prices will continue throughout the month, so it's not too late to take advantage of getting a new E-PL1 or 30X zoom SP-800 UZ (or any Olympus product) at the lowest prices of the year!
We also had a great time this weekend with our friends from Sony and our events with Sony are not over yet! (Here's Jason with Shatara Hook from Sony-Photo by Steve Ackerman) Folks have been really impressed with the new NEX cameras & the Alpha A33 & A55s, plus all the other great products they offer. We remind all you Alpha owners that Steve Ackerman from Sony will be here to teach an Alpha DSLR Basics class here on Thursday night at 7PM, right here at the store. It's FREE for anyone who has bought a Sony Alpha DSLR from Camera Wholesalers. Our basic classes for everyone will resume on October 21st with Point & Shoot Digital Camera Basics (See our class schedule for October below) and then it'll be Canon's turn this coming Friday & Saturday! And remember, you DON'T have to wait for the weekend to get our LOW TENT SALE prices! Come see us today!
BTW, Tamron has just announced some incredible rebates on most of their popular lenses for the holidays, including up to $100 on their new 70-300m VC zoom & $150 on their popular 15x 18-270mm super zoom! More details to come ...