Every once in awhile, we have a couple of deals that are REALLY good & want to let you know about it...

We're offering a mint, reconditioned Nikon D300 body for $1199.95 and a reconditioned D5000 body for $499.95. Both have a Nikon USA 90 day limited warranty! Also included is a great extra for you: (D300 image courtesy of Nikon USA)
A 2010 Digital Creativity Suite Disc with
4 great software titles: Adobe Photoshop Elements 8, Adobe Premiere Elements 8, ACDSee Photo Manager & Filestream Frameshop for Windows 7/Vista & XP or a Mac Creativity & Entertainment Suite CD with Adobe Photoshop Elements 8 &
5 other great titles (Mac OS X 10.4 & Higher)- a $250.00 value included with the D300 or D5000! You can come into the store or click here to see our ebay store links for these cameras to order:
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=390165532976 for the D5000 and
http://cgi.ebay.com/NIKON-D300-12MP-DIGITAL-SLR-CAMERA-BODY-MINT_W0QQitemZ390150414261QQcmdZViewItemQQptZDigital_Cameras?hash=item5ad6c6dfb5 for the D300!
Supplies are limited so call or click & buy TODAY!