7010 pinkWe were just informed that Olympus has issued some new instant rebates on some of their coolest new cameras, including their groundbreaking E-P1 and the Stylus 7010, a slim 12 megapixel, 7x zoom camera with all the newest bells & whistles including their pretty awesome "beauty"  mode that we wrote about earlier this year. Available in Pink , Dark Gray & Silver, we sell the Stylus 7010 after instant rebate for $179.95! 2 1/2 Days & Counting! Have you finished your holiday shopping?  Probably not but fear not, we can help! Look at our prior posts and check out our 10 holiday gift ideas. It has items in every price range for anyone on your list. And we still have good supplies of most every camera out there so don't delay! We'll be open 10-8 today & tomorrow for your shopping pleasure!

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