So you recieved a shiny new camera as a present this holiday season,and want to know how to use it?

We're pleased to announce that our free basic camera classes will start again for 2010 on Thursday January 6th.
We'll begin with our
"Basic Digital Point & Shoot" class on the 12th Day of Christmas and follow it with our
"Basic Digital SLR" class the following Thursday January 13th. We'll start at 7 PM and last just over an hour. Our first class will introduce you to the basic controls and operation of your point and shoot camera through step by step instruction and hands-on demonstrations. Our event calender (found to the right of this post) shows our schedule of classes through Febrary, which includes another edition of our popular
"Action & Sports Photography" class & a new class covering
HD video with your DSLR!
Our first classes of the year are the best attended and in our eyes, the most informative and most fun! So come join us with your cameras & your smiles! Hope to see you then... (Nikon D7000 Dial Photo Courtesy of Nikon USA)