We were VERY pleasantly surprised when 19 great folks squeezed into our store's back corner for last Thursday's
"DSLR Basics" class, the best attendance ever for a Camera Wholesalers in store class! And after this (and every other) DSLR class, I'm asked if we're ever going to give an intermediate class. And here's your answer....YES!
Join us this Thursday night (May 3rd) for our first in-store intermediate class called
"Beyond The Basics". We'll cover some photo techniques like the "rule of thirds", learn what a histogram is and share 10 photo tips that'll ease your photographic status from beginner to intermediate, all in 60 minutes! That's this Thursday at 7PM at the back of the store. We'll give this class quarterly, so if you can't join us, we'll do it again in early August . Please note that starting on 5/10 ,our classes will begin at 6:30 PM ( a half hour earlier )-please refer to our photo class link on our website's opening page for more information. See you on Thursday!