Not to be outdone, Canon has a 4th of July sale going on as well with special savings on their new
PowerShot Elph 100 & 300 HS with a High Sensitivity sensor that perfect for fireworks and other low light activities & loads of other features as well as the new
Rebel T3I with it's vari-angle LCD screen & full HD 1080 video!

You might've seen our flyer in yesterday's
Stamford Advocate/Greenwich Times but if you missed it, you can click onto this link to see the flyer: . There are instant rebate savings on the popular EOS 60D and the full line of Rebel DSLR's & more! But these savings are for a limited time so come in or call today!
We had a great Action & Sports Photography class last night that covered how to take great fireworks shots! For hints on how you can capture great pics of the rocket's red glare & bombs bursting in air, you can refer to our blog article from last year: . And you can also check out this blog post from Sony Artisan & Child/Family Photographer
Me Ra Koh that has some tips on how get cool shots with sparklers as well! Here it is!: .
FYI - We just got a new shipment of Canon S95's (one of the most sought for compact cameras on the market!) this afternoon - Come on in to take a look or pick one up today!