(This is a modified version of a post we first presented in 2011. The tips are timeless so we hope this will help you this coming week.)
This coming week is a wonderful time to capture special photographs of loved ones. What with Easter and Passover occurring within a couple of days of each other this year, there are so many different priceless opportunities that you can capture during this festive time. Chronicle the time your family spends preparing for the holidays, as well as celebrating both the traditional fun and religious events. Here are some photos I suggest you capture:
1. Decorating Easter eggs with your kids is a great way to get some fun candid shots. Catch them as they color eggs and make sure to capture close-up images of the eggs once they're decorated.
2. Does your town or church have an annual Easter egg hunt? If so, it's a great photo opportunity. Take plenty of photos of your children as they search for the eggs. Take wide-angle shots showing an complete view of the kids running around, as well as close-ups that show their delight in finding their hidden treasures.
3. Don’t forget to capture images of the kids with all of their eggs after the hunt. You can get great candid shots if you just watch for unique moments when they proudly show you their bounty.
4. If you give your kids Easter baskets, that’s also a great opportunity for you to capture giggles and smiles (make sure to get the shots before they munch into the chocolate bunny!)
5. Experiment with the Macro mode on your camera (on point and shoot cameras it is usually represented by a flower icon). This allows you to get so close to your subjects (eggs, candy, other items in the basket, etc.) that you can take cool close up images. Try photographing the basket weave, the artificial grass, a handful of eggs, or jellybeans.
6. Remember to use different angles when you are shooting. Get down low on your child’s level, so you’re capturing memories from their point of view. (This tip is especially important! Check out our recent blog post that reinforces this).
7. Does your town put on an Easter parade? Does everyone come out to march in his or her best outfits and Easter bonnets? Documenting the parade through photographs is a wonderful way to remember your experience, especially if you have family or friends walking in the parade.
8. On Easter Sunday, will your child be wearing an extra special outfit? Lay it out and take a photograph of the clothing before they put it on and another with your little one wearing their new outfit.
9. Your family may have a sentimental family Passover plate that's used during the seder. A close-up of the plate (or plate setting) may be a good image to capture the mood of the evening, as well as a family portrait surrounding the setting.
10. Don’t forget to bring your camera to the family get-together and be ready to get the pictures that naturally result during or after the Easter Meal or Passover Seder.Once you've taken all of these wonderful photographs, come in to Camera Wholesalers and print them out or create a photo book, collage print or enlargement. Holidays are wonderful occasions to make photographs, and you’ll treasure them even more by sharing them for years to come.
Would you need a little help with your Sony DSLR or NEX mirrorless camera before the weekend? Then join us on Thursday evening (3/28) for our 90 minute "Sony Alpha & NEX Camera Class", right here at the store, starting at 6 PM.
And from everyone at Camera Wholesalers, a very Happy Easter & Happy Passover!
(Photo by Fred Bonilla)