Here's the scenario... A customer will walk in and want to buy a camera. They've done extentsive research online, but are
TOTALLY confused because of the conflicting opinions on a particular model they want from different bloggers & websites. They throw themselves on the mercy of the arbiter (that's us...) & plead with us to render judgement. Chillax! We're here to help...
The great thing about the internet is the scads of information you can obtain. Bloggers like Ken Rockwell, Thom Hogan & others have made their mark with websites that are very informative & also quite humorous. As they're entitled, they have strong opinions, skewing their viewpoint toward one brand or another at times. Problem is, the more you read, the more confused you can get and soon, you'll find it easier to come up with an opinion on health care than what camera to buy. As a public service, here's a couple of resources to check out...
Digital Photography Review has a handy guide to help you select a camera. Their Digital Camera Comparison Engine is a powerful way to isolate and compare digital cameras which fall into your buying criteria. Simply choose the features which are most important to you from the selection below then click on "compare" to see the results; Then, there's
Having gone live earlier this month,
Snapsort was started by 3 software engineers (yes,computer geeks) that are camera fans & wanted to help you "close the knowledge gap and help you find the right camera fast". You just pick Camera A, then Camera B & hit the "compare" key & you'll see a consise side by side comparison, plus a

"winner" between the 2 choices. While these 2 sites can be of help in narrowing down which camera to buy, you'll still need some personal attention...
While teaching our latest Thursday night mini-class, it was gratifying to see new DSLR owners get to know their cameras better, and it only reinforced my belief that even with all the information in the world, it still takes the personal touch of a living,breathing knowledgeable camera person showing a camera that you can touch & hold to get the full scope of photography today & which of these cameras to get. There are so many other factors besides the cold, hard facts that come to play in buying the right camera. And that is where we come in...
So, we implore you to do your homework, if you wish. Read the blogs, use the forementioned sites. Then, come in & give your choices a test drive. We'll be happy to give our two cents worth, as well. Or, trust our judgement if you don't have the time. Our sales force has over 100 years of photo sales experience (and we're not even that old!). Either way, we're sure we can get the right camera in your hands. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Now, get to work!