Of all the rumored cameras that Nikonians were waiting for, the most hotly anticipated one is a replacement to Nikon's entry level full frame DSLR , the D 700. Camera rumor mills were predicting different release dates for this camera for over a year, but were wrong for any number of understandable reasons. FINALLY, we're happy to announce that Nikon has unveiled the D800 this morning....

To get all the lowdown, we'll refer you to dpreview's webpost announcing the camera with Nikon's full press release:
http://www.dpreview.com/news/2012/02/07/Nikon_D800_D800E_launch#press . Nikon will also be releasing a more expensive model, the D800E that will be free from the effects of an anti-aliasing filter, gearing it for studio and landscape photographers and rivaling output they say of medium format digital cameras. How much? $3,000 for the D800 body & $3,300 for the D800E. If you want one, Give us a call at 203-357-0467 or 1-877ecamera to preorder either model. Operators are standing by!