As we're going into this holiday weekend, two big photo taking events will be coming up and we would like to prepare you for them...(We'll cover Father's Day soon!)
The first one will be the events that lead to your kid's high school prom (and the prom itself if you're a camera toting chaperone!) An informative article by John Huegel from gives you some tips on capturing your middle or high schooler's special day. We cover most of the tips given in our
"DSLR Basics" classes (BTW, thanks to the 17 students who came out last night) but it's nice to see that they can be applied on this special occasion. If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to stop by or call us and we'll be happy to help!
Be sure to join us for our next 2 weeks of our in-store classes; Next Thursday (5/31) will be our quarterly
"Action & Sport Photography" class, followed by our
"Newborn,Baby & Child Photography " class on June 7th. If you've taken our
"DSLR Basics" class or are interested in this type of photography, these fun & informative classes are for you. By the way, CWS will be open both today & tomorrow (Saturday) from 10-6 for any last minute photo needs for the holiday weekend.
As we observe this holiday, we remember the brave men and women of our armed forces who protect our land and those who have sacrificed their lives for our freedom & liberty. We also remember the fallen & injured photojournalists who have risked or given their lives in pursuit of the truth. To all who served and given all, our heartfelt gratitute. Check out our post from last year, a video tribute to
“all the men & women, past & present who have given us the gift of freedom” from Nikon Canada. (Photo By Fred Bonilla)