Next Thursday, we'll be teaching a new class that hopefully help our customers & friends that are 55 years of age & older with the basics of digital photography...

Despite intimidating terms like jpeg, RAW and histogram, digital cameras are a snap to use. This step-by-step hour long class will guide those 55+ through this exciting way to capture and share photos. You'll learn the basics of digital photography, how to choose the right camera, edit and manipulate images, share photos on the Web or via email, storage and printing options, and more.
Digital Photography For Seniors (55+ – A New Class) will be offered as part of our Thursday night class schedule four times a year and will be taught for the first time this coming Thursday (9/27) at 6:30 PM. in the back of our store. Come with your camera (with charged battery), your owner's manual and yes, a smile...We'll see you then!
BTW, a great review of the best products introduced at Photokina this week can be found by clicking onto
this link from We look forward to this coming holiday sales season with the most diverse choice of cameras ever. Point & shoot, Mirrorless or DSLR, we'll have the perfect camera for your needs here at Camera Wholesalers!