Here's some random notes to end our exciting week of photo news...
Where will you be on Sunday, May 2, at 15:00 hours (U.T.C.)?

That’s 8 A.M. in Los Angeles, 11 A.M. here in Connecticut, New York and Santo Domingo, 4 P.M. in Algiers and London, 7 P.M in Moscow and 11 P.M. in Beijing.
Wherever you are,
The New York Times hopes you’ll have a camera — or a camera phone — in hand. And they hope you’ll be taking a picture to send to
Lens, their photoblog that will capture this singular instant in whatever way you think would add to a marvelous global mosaic; a Web-built image of one moment in time across the world. There have been several global photo projects before, most notably the
4 AM Project, which asked folks worldwide to take & submit a photo on 4/4 at 4 a.m. This, however is the largest and most publicized attempt to unite the photographers of the world, professional & amateur, students & lifelong shooters alike in a moment in time. I signed up myself to submit a shot and will be very interested in the end result. (Earth Photo "Blue Marble" Courtesy of NASA)
The photos will appear quickly on the Lens blog and on, and — if you’d like — you’ll be able to arrange them by country, by topic or by how they were ranked by other readers. Or you can just view them randomly. Some will almost certainly be spotlighted on the Lens blog.
Read more about this project and how you can submit a photo to be included in the mosaic:

We have a deal on the Canon PowerShot SD960IS, a sleek 12 megapixel point & shoot with 4x zoom, widescreen LCD screen & HD video. Here's a detailed review on this camera from PC Magazine:,2817,2342960,00.asp . Available in Silver, Blue, Pink (as shown) & Gold with a free 2GB SD card, this beauty can be yours for $279.95! Come in & ask for a test drive!
Finally, we're eager to let you know of a new point & shoot from Leica & a EVIL DSLR coming from Sony - Tell you more next week! Till then, enjoy your weekend!