We've had a couple of folks ask if we had any tips for shooting fireworks & our answer is yes, we do! We'll devote a portion of our upcoming point & shoot mini-class on how to take great fireworks pictures. That's this Thursday, July 1st @ 7PM,  here at the store. We'll also put up an article with tips on firework photography on Friday. Here's a hint... Many point & shoot digital cameras already have a "fireworks" mode in the built in scene menus. What does it do? We'll let you know later this week... Many thanks to the 16 eagar & ready students we had last Thursday for our Action & Sports Photography class.We had loads of fun & we hope that it was helpful and informative. For those who missed it, we'll do it again in early fall. We remind you that our 4 nights of Nikon classes are coming up from July 5th thru the 9th,so be sure to contact us to register. Check out our post below for more details. If you haven't noticed, Summer's here and before you set off for your activities, check to see if you've got all you need for your warm weather picture & video taking. Extra batteries and chargers, cases, memory cards and usb cords are available here for most any camera out there and with the 4th of July coming up, it's a good time to check that you have everything you need. We still have some specials on Casio & Canon point & shoots as well. Hope to see you soon...

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