As this week before Mother's Day unfolds, we'll be suggesting you some good camera deals for that special person on 5/13. You may already checked out the Olympus SZ30-MR that we featured on the blog, and here's another camera you may want to check out...
You can discover how simple and easy it is to be creative and shoot memorable photos and videos of your favorite subjects with Canon's
PowerShot SX150 IS digital camera. Its compact size makes it convenient to carry around everywhere to capture those special moments that can happen anytime! Sporting a stylish design, it 's 14.1 Megapixels deliver stunning image detail and enable you to make beautiful large prints. 12x Optical Zoom lets you get close to distant subjects, while the 28mm wide-angle capability makes this camera great for photographing large groups of people and scenic landscapes. Advanced technologies, such as Intelligent IS and Smart AUTO, make it easy and effortless to capture gorgeous still images and HD video. It all makes the PowerShot SX150 IS the perfect camera to capture the good times, wherever you might be.
After $100 in instant savings from Canon,
the SX150 IS is only $149.99 but the sale is only for this week (ends 5/12) so don't hesitate to get this great camera for Mom! Call or e-mail us today!
BTW, we will be giving a
Digital Photography Basics Class in Spanish on Thursday evening, May 10th at 6:30 PM. Our class instructor Fred Bonilla with be joined by our lab technician (and wedding photographer) Erik Carcamo to show you around the different functions of your digital camera & give you tips on how to take photos like a pro! It will cover both digital point & shoot and DSLR cameras, an hour or so in length and open to folks of all ages that have a digital camera.
We believe that we are among only 2 stores nationwide that will be offering a class of this sort, and we are happy to do so as our pledge to you, our customer is to serve you in any way we can. And with that, allow us to reach our target audience…
Daremos una clase a fundamentos de fotografía de Digitales en español el la tarde de jueves, 10 de Mayo a las 6:30 de la noche. A nuestro instructor Fred Bonilla de la clase con ensamble nuestro técnico de laboratorio (y el fotógrafo de boda) Erik Carcamo para demostrarle alrededor de las diversas funciones de su & de las cámaras digitales; ¡déle las extremidades en cómo tomar las fotos como un favorable! Cubrirá ambo el & del punto; el lanzamiento Y las cámaras digitales, una hora o tan en longitud y se abren a la gente de todas las edades que tengan cámaras digitales. Creemos que seremos el único almacén de la cámara en la costa este que ofrecerá una clase de este tipo, y somos felices de hacer para nuestro compromiso a usted, nuestro cliente.