On last night's "Celebrity Apprentice" on NBC, rock singer & reality tv star Bret Michael's contribution to his project team's losing effort was taking snapshots of the NYC skyscape. He used what looked like a Kodak point & shoot camera to take photos that were turned into 2x3 foot black and white enlargements to add an "urban zen" effect to a 2 day apartment makeover. While his other teammates (Cyndi Lauper & Holly Robinson Peete) did what amounted to 99.9 % of the work, and a concert gig only allowed him to contribute the photos to what turned out to be a gargantuan project, Bret remains to take part in another tribal council ( wait, that's another show! Anyhow, Cyndi went home...). While fans can argue why he remains, there was universal agreement on one thing: while he even acknowledged that he wasn't an accomplished photographer, the pictures came out GREAT! (even I was impressed! BTW, get well soon Bret...)
The moral of the story? Simply put, ANYONE can take a great picture! With the automatic features of just about any camera you can buy, all you have to do is point, compose & shoot. While it does help to have some basic photographic principles in mind when you push the button (Rules of Thirds, anyone?), along with the passion to take a great & lasting image, pointing & shooting is really all you need! And for that, plenty of resources can be found to help.
Our Thursday night mini-classes at Camera Wholesalers have been fun and our students have gotten great tips to improve their photos. On this blog and our new new CW newsletter, we'll have how-to articles to help your pressing imaging issues (watch for an upcoming article on great graduation photos). And allow us to introduce you to another great resource to help you:
TakeGreatPictures.com .
Created by the PhotoImaging Information Council (P.I.C), this website offers photo tips and techniques, insights from leading professional & celebrity photographers, contests, new product releases and participative projects. It's aim is to inspire, inform, and educate those with an interest of photography regardless of picture taking skill level. It's also an incredible source to bookmark to get advise and instruction on just about ANY type of photo-taking situation you'll encounter.
If you've been interested enough to read this up to this point, you have shown enough passion & interest to take your photos to the next level. A favorite photographer of mine, Elliott Erwitt once said that "all the technique in the world doesn’t compensate for the inability to notice". With some basic knowledge, and keeping your eyes and ears open, anyone can take a great photo (even a rock star, and yes...even YOU!). And remember, we're here to help you along!