Watch Out This Sunday For Our Mother's Day Flyers From Canon & Sony!
And if you're like most of our female customers, you've been searching for a simple yet good quality camera that's tiny in relation the rest of the cameras out there! And we've got 'em! Click onto links from previous CWS articles that touted the potent features of the smallest DSLR in the market today, the Canon Rebel SL, the ultra-tiny Nikon Coolpix SO1 and David Pogue's latest NY Times article on the unique Canon PowerShot N.
We have each of these cameras in stock & we KNOW that Mom will flip if she got any of these cameras with flowers & breakfast in bed on her special day! Come see us so we can get the right camera for you! Remember, we're open now on Sundays from 10-6 (Closed Saturdays).