Sometimes, you come across an article or blogpost that's so good in advise and content, that you just need to pass it on.

And this is one of them! Pop Photo Magazine on their website just posted a artcle/slide show called
"10 Things You Should Know About Lenses". If you've got a minute, click here and take a look: . By the end of the article, you'll be better aware of what your current lenses can/can't do and will give you a good idea as to what other lenses you may want. We'll be happy to answer any questions you may have and show you any lens in stock for your camera. We'll post & re-tweet (for our ever growing
Facebook &
Twitter followers) other fun and informative articles as we come across them.
Next week, we'll start introducing you to some of the new products that'll be coming in by Nikon, Canon & others. We remind you of our upcoming
" HD Video for your DSLR" class this coming Thursday night (2/24) at 7 PM. And FYI, we will be open on Monday, President's Day (2/21) from 10AM to 6 PM. Have a great weekend & we'll see you here next week!